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My Ggrandfather's D7clock was too Gtall for the Cshelf, so it Gstood ninety D7 years on the Gfloor;
It was Gtaller by D7half than the Gold man himCself, though it Gweight not a D7pennyweight Gmore.
It was bought on the morn of the D7day that he was Gborn, and was always his A7treasure and D7pride;
But it Gstopped D7short Gnever to go Cagain when the Gold D7man Gdied.

Ninety Gyears without slumbering, Tick Tock, Tick Tock, His life seconds numbering, Tick tock tick tock,
it stopped D7short Gnever to go Cagain when, when the Gold D7man Gdied.

At Gwatching its D7pendulum Gswing to and Cfro, Many Ghours he had D7spent as a Gboy
As Ghe grew into D7manhood the Gclock seemed to Cknow, For it Gshared every D7sorrow and Gjoy
And it struck twenty-four as he D7entered the Gdoor, With his beautiful and A7blushing D7bride.
But it Gstopped D7short Gnever to go Cagain, When the Gold D7man Gdied

My Ggrandfather D7said that of Gthose he could Chire, Not a Gservant so D7faithful he'd Gfound
For it Gwasted no D7time and it Ghad but one Cdesire At the Gclose of each D7week to be Gwound
Yet it kept in its place not a D7frown upon its Gface, And its hands never A7hung by its D7side
But it Gstopped D7short Gnever to go Cagain, When the Gold D7man Gdied

Then it Grang an D7alarm in the Gdead of the Cnight, An Galarm that for D7years had been Gdumb.
And we Gknew that his D7spirit was Gpluming for Cflight, That his Ghour for D7departure had Gcome
Yet the clock kept the time,With a D7soft and muffled Gchime, As we stood there and watched A7by his D7side
But it Gstopped D7short Gnever to go Cagain, When the Gold D7man Gdied

Chords Used: A7,C,D7,G